Back in 1981, the National Trust for Historic Preservation was rolling out a national effort focusing on the revitalization of historic down-towns. The Texas Historical Commission (THC) partnered in that effort and created the TMSP that year as one of the first six state coordinating programs in the country.
Texas Main Street Program founder, Anice Read, who had also been a THC Commissioner, knew that it was important to lay a strong foundation for this new program that would enable it to be successful long into the future. Part of that vision included making sure every person and every entity that could help in building the future of the TMSP knew about it and believed in its value.
So, to make sure you didn’t forget Texas Main Street when Anice came to visit and get your support, she always arrived armed with a decadent chocolate cake that eventually became known as the Texas Main Street Cake.
Almost thirty-five years later, this cake is still served for every special Main Street event, whether it is in the state Main Street office or in local Main Street communities. It has been a staple of the First Lady’s Tour ever since the very first one in 1981. The Texas Main Street Cake is one of the many traditions of the Texas Main Street Program.
