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Rio Grande City EDC participates in several significant surveys and public meetings

Rio Grande City EDC participates in several significant surveys and public meetings essential for ensuring infrastructure needs are met for the economic development of Rio Grande City and the area.

Unified Transportation Program

TxDOT’s 10-year plan, the Unified Transportation Program (UTP), guides the development of projects around Texas and the 2023 UTP reflects an unprecedented level of projected transportation funding at a record $85 billion dedicated to improving transportation safety, addressing congestion and rural connectivity.

Key projects slated for Starr County affecting Rio Grande City’s transportation infrastructure include widening the road to a four-lane divided highway between Starr/Zapata County Line to north of Loma Blanca and Rio Grande City/Roma Relief Route Phases 1 and 2 of State Loop 195.

The cost of the two projects is $72,007,150.

Texas-Mexico Border Transportation Master Plan (BTMP)

The BTMP is a comprehensive long-range proposal outlining policies, programs and project recommendations to address current and future border and transportation issues, needs, challenges, opportunities and investment strategies for moving people and goods and enhancing the states’ competitiveness in trade and beyond. By participating in the BTMP, the Rio Grande City EDC assured Rio Grande City’s growing demands are incorporated into the region.

Photos: Pharr EDC

GLO Lower Rio Grande Valley River Basin Flood Study

Over the summer, the Rio Grande City EDC attended a workshop, held by the General Land Office (GLO), focusing on evaluating flood risk in communities surrounding Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr and Willacy counties. The study is used to understand concerns related to flood risk, identify potential projects and grant opportunities, and verify the data and information that has been collected to date.

The data and information produced from this study will be used to support current and future State Flood Plans (led by the Texas Water Development Board [TWDB]) and inform the Texas Disaster Information System (TDIS), a critical tool for the state to assist communities in the development of disaster recovery and mitigation plans.


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