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Rio Grande City Main Street welcomes new coordinator

Yandery on bench facing camera
Yandery De La Cruz, Rio Grande City Main Street Coordinator

Yandery De La Cruz has been named Rio Grande City’s new Main Street Coordinator. Ms. De La Cruz, a Mission native, has made Rio Grande City her home for the past 17 years. She previously worked at the Student Assessment department at Rio Grande City Grulla ISD.

"I am looking forward to working with the advisory board members, partners, business owners and our community leaders in growing and enriching our main street district," Ms. De La Cruz said.

The goal of the Rio Grande City Main Street Program focuses on revitalization of the downtown historic district by implementing the Four Point® approach set by the National Main Street Center. These points include building partnerships within the community, promoting downtown through Main Street events, designing and maintaining historical elements unique to Rio grade City and identifying historical value and fostering economic development.

Rio Grande City was designated as a Texas Main Street City in 2002. As a project of the Rio Grande City Economic Development Corporation, the Rio Grande City Main Street Program also provides several services and assistance grants available to Main Street businesses including: Design Assistance from the Texas Historical Commission and Business Development grants, Main Street Façade and Commercial Revitalization grants.

The Rio Grande City Main Street Program provides many opportunities to get involved in downtown revitalization efforts. Anyone interested in volunteering is encouraged to visit the Main Street office at 408 E. Main Street or call (956) 488-0047.



Rio Grande City

Economic Development Corporation

          5332 E. US Highway 83 Ste. B

          Rio Grande City, Texas 78582

          (956) 487-3476

© 2022 Rio Grande City Economic Development Corporation

This Institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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