The Medicare Store celebrated the debut of their store with a ribbon cutting ceremony in Rio Grande City on Friday, July 7th.
The Medicare Store provides customer service in analyzing health insurance needs and assists in finding affordable plan options. They help individuals apply for extra help from the State of Texas and assist in applying for Social Security to pay for drug plan premiums and help lower their drug plan costs. All these services are provided free of charge. In addition, they hold weekly social events for the community.
“Thank you for coming out and celebrating with us at our new location,” Mr. Andrew Chetwood, owner of The Medicare Store said. “We’re excited to be here and assist the community of Rio Grande City with information about health insurance and Medicare and help navigate through the health insurance application process.”
“Thank you for bringing these services to help improve the quality of life in our community and direct individuals through the process to get the help they need. Welcome to Downtown Historic District Rio Grande City,” said Mayor Joel Villarreal.
They are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and located at 512 E. Main Street Ste. A, in Rio Grande City. For more information, please call (956) 370-0070.